Rabu, 05 Mei 2010

The Effects Drinking Coffee To Your Health

People that like much drinking coffee, no worry to continue their hobby, because drinking coffee has positive and negative effects to your body.Caffeine in coffee can stimulant your brain to think fast. Your brain can respond faster after drinking a cup of coffee. The survey proved that drinker coffee can be avoided from cancer, diabetes, heart attack and osteoporosis. Let us see positive and negative effects for drinker coffee:

Positive effects:

1. Stimulating your brain.

Coffee that you drink every day has caffeine. Caffeine contains alkaloid, known as trimetilsantin. Coffee can give stimulation to human brain nerves. Your brain nerves will respond quickly and give quickest memory brain processing after 15 or 20 minutes finishing drinking coffee.

2. Coffee can avoid from teeth hole.

The caffeine can help your teeth from hole after eating cookies, chocolate cake, candies and sweet bread. We suggest drinking coffee before eating them.

3. Coffee can avoid from migraine.

The caffeine in coffee can decrease your migraine.

We suggest drinking black coffee before take drug.

4. Increasing your energy, feeling happy and fresh.

How do you feel after drinking coffee in the morning? We feel fresh as if energy increase and happy.

5. Coffee can avoid from osteoporosis, heart attack, diabetes and cancer.

People can avoid from diseases above, if they drink two cup of coffee every day. Especially people that have coroner heart, they should consult to the doctor how to drink coffee without risk.

The negative effects,Coffee is good to drink, but there are few negative effects, if you drink so much.

The negatives just like below:

1. Coffee makes some one become addicted. Make your health trouble, feel tired and not have energy, if you do not drink coffee.

2. Coffee is very dangerous to people have high blood pressure illness, because the caffeine makes your blood pressure higher.

3. Coffee makes your urine more product than usual, so that your bladder full after drinking coffee.

4. Coffee effects for woman fertility. It will make worst, if the woman drinks alcohol.


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